Setting goals can be exciting. You imagine all of the possibilities—being sexier healthier, killing it at a job you love, and making enough money to fund a life that makes you jump out of bed each morning.
And life is full of cycles that give us fresh starts like clockwork. Monday mornings. Birthdays. The start of a new month or year. The end of Mercury retrograde. Any of these moments can make you feel like anything is possible. So you set a goal, put it on your vision board and get to work.
But after the excitement of a new goal wears off, you begin to question whether you have what it takes to achieve it. Questions turn into doubt, doubt turns into fear, and soon you’ve lost your motivation and can’t remember why you were excited to begin with.
If you’re not careful, self doubt will sabotage your quest for success. Here are seven things you can do to smash it before it smashes your dreams. Continue reading “7 Practical Ways to Smash Self Doubt”