How to Forgive Yourself When You Make A Mistake

A woman looking anxious, sitting on the floor behind a couch, with her hands over her chest.

Eventually, you’re gonna make a mistake. And it’ll just be an opportunity to forgive yourself.

But if you’re a recovering perfectionist like me, more often than not, your mistakes feel fatal.

But feelings aren’t facts. (Thank goodness!)

You can recover from any mistake. You just have to be willing to forgive yourself.

But when you’re a perfectionist, it’s easy to get stuck in the shame of your mistakes.

If that sounds familiar, here are four steps to the process of forgiving yourself.

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3 Tips for Journaling Consistently in the New Year

Woman writing in a journal as she sits comfortably.

The new year often feels like a fresh start, when anything is possible.

It’s the perfect time to cultivate a positive habit, like journaling consistently, to transform your life.

There are lots of reasons to journal: enhanced mindfulness, personal growth, and tracking your progress on your goals.

As an experienced life coach (and personal growth junkie) here at the Life Edit Project, I believe that journaling consistently can be a powerful tool for transformation and self-discovery.

Getting started with journaling…

Whatever your reasons for wanting to build a journaling practice, I’m offering you three tips to help you get started and stay consistent.

Continue reading “3 Tips for Journaling Consistently in the New Year”

3 Hidden Causes for Your Procrastination Problem

The procrastination problem is like an epidemic. It seems to be everywhere, and it feels contagious.

If you delay one task, and you end up falling behind in another. Suddenly, your whole day is off track, which throws off your week, and then your month.

Then one day you look up and realized you’ve been setting the same New Year goal for yourself for the last three years. 🙄

Procrastination is the kind of problem that causes more problems. But often, it’s a symptom of a deeper, less obvious problem, too.

Continue reading “3 Hidden Causes for Your Procrastination Problem”