Elizabeth C. Burrows
...and I'm a recovering busy-body and overachiever. I spent the first three decades of my life doing all the things just to prove that I could.
That worked well enough until I became a mom. Then suddenly, I realized I wasn't superwoman and everything changed.
I was tired and overwhelmed, and I felt completely inadequate all the time.
I almost buckled under the pressure. And the worst part is that I was needlessly applying this pressure to myself.
So I did the unthinkable and started looking for help. And you know where I found the answers I needed?
They were already within me.
Mindset coaching and thought work helped me find lasting solutions to the problems that I had been creating for myself for so long.
I found a way to sort through the noise to focus on what mattered most to me. Now, my life is set up to revolve around my own priorities, instead of the ones prescribed to me by others.
I found freedom from trying to be all things to all people. And in freeing myself, I unleashed my greatest potential.
About the Life Edit Project
I created the Life Edit Project as platform to share the personal development tools and resources that I love with others on a similar journey. Eventually, I became a life coach to help people get better results, more quickly. Over the years, I have coached more than 130 individuals, and reached many more people through group coaching, training sessions, workshops, and public speaking stages.
In 2023, I launched the Life Edit Project Podcast to help busy high-achievers create balance in any area of their lives. The episodes are fun and digestible, with new episodes published each Wednesday. Be sure to subscribe and follow the podcast wherever you like to listen.
Be sure to check out the blog for practical tips and ideas to help you make the most of every aspect of your life. And don't miss the free resources on the homepage, designed to help you use habits and rituals to get the most out of your days.
When you're ready to take your work even deeper, you can purchase the Authentic Expressions workbook to start or enhance your journaling practice, or purchase a 1:1 coaching package to work directly with me.