How to Organize Anything

We all have stuff. Big stuff. Little stuff. Cheap stuff. Expensive stuff. Stuff we got from our friends. Stuff we inherited from our parents.

Be it an overstuffed junk drawer in the kitchen, a troubled relationship with an estranged family member, or *ahem* a stack of pretty little notebooks that we buy compulsively whenever we visit HomeGoods, our stuff can cause us issues when we let it get out of hand. Whatever our stuff is, we either learn to control it, or it controls us.

Taking the time to organize your stuff can go a long way. But if the thought of tackling that dark, bulging corner of your life gives you the heebie jeebies, here are 5 simple steps you can use to organize anything in your life. Continue reading “How to Organize Anything”

Your Default Settings Are Ruining Your Life

When was the last time you sent back an entree that wasn’t what you expected? Or declined to attend an event you weren’t in the mood for? Or unsubscribed from a daily email newsletter that you don’t read anymore?

How many times have you been voluntold (i.e., assigned a task that’s supposed to be voluntary) for a random task that you didn’t really care about or have time for, but still followed through?

If this sounds like you, you need to check your default settings. They’re set to “YES” and it’s ruining your life.

Continue reading “Your Default Settings Are Ruining Your Life”