How to Organize Anything

We all have stuff. Big stuff. Little stuff. Cheap stuff. Expensive stuff. Stuff we got from our friends. Stuff we inherited from our parents.

Be it an overstuffed junk drawer in the kitchen, a troubled relationship with an estranged family member, or *ahem* a stack of pretty little notebooks that we buy compulsively whenever we visit HomeGoods, our stuff can cause us issues when we let it get out of hand. Whatever our stuff is, we either learn to control it, or it controls us.

Taking the time to organize your stuff can go a long way. But if the thought of tackling that dark, bulging corner of your life gives you the heebie jeebies, here are 5 simple steps you can use to organize anything in your life. Continue reading “How to Organize Anything”

Why Motivation Is Overrated and What You Need Instead

I’m all about extracting the lessons out of life. Fortunately, motherhood comes with automatic enrollment in the school of lifelong learning, so I’m learning something new on the regular, as I try not to mess up raise my daughter to be a decent human being and productive member of society.

Everyday, I strive to keep my Nugget safe while also teaching her to be brave, think for herself, and trust her gut. It turns out that as I teach her, I am teaching myself.  She taught me one particularly memorable lesson a few weeks ago, when she showed me how overrated motivation can be.

Continue reading “Why Motivation Is Overrated and What You Need Instead”

My One Word for 2018

2018 Goals

Years ago—I mean so long ago I was literally still a child—I made the decision not to make New Year’s resolutions. I can’t remember exactly how old I was, but I had been around long enough to develop an opinion that resolutions were these lofty declarations that people made on January 1st that had no resemblance to their actual lives by the time February rolled around.

Up to that point, when it came to breaking resolutions, I was just as guilty as the next person. Maybe I thought that resolutions were meant to be broken.  Maybe no one taught me what a resolution even was, and how to properly set them. Whatever it was, I decided that resolutions weren’t for me.

Then a few years later, I started giving my years a one-word theme. A single thought or concept or value that I would work to incorporate into my life. A single motivation behind everything I did. A single guiding principle for making decisions. Continue reading “My One Word for 2018”